Education Exercise

Do Men Have Pelvic Floor Muscles?

Do Men Have Pelvic Floor Muscles?

Why yes they do! Who would have thought men have pelvic floor muscles. They have similar roles to that in women but with the anatomy being different it adds another level of complexity.

Pelvic floor health is important for men’s overall health and well-being just as it is for women, however, it is often overlooked or not discussed. This is something we want to change, bring to the surface and make it a comfortable topic for men to discuss. To provide help to the thousands of men who are suffering and give them a solution from the comfort of their home.

The pelvic floor muscles play a vital role in many functions, including controlling the bladder and bowel, supporting the abdominal and pelvic organs, and contributing to sexual function. Eg erectile dysfunction, orgasm intensity.

An estimated 30% of men visiting the doctor in Australia have urinary incontinence yet more than two thirds don’t discuss it with their health care provider. What’s more frustrating is it’s a treatable condition. The first treatment option recommend is pelvic floor strengthening and control exercises.

Do men have pelvic floor muscles? It’s still a question I get asked often from both men and women. I am just as surprised they ask it, as they are surprised to learn that yes men do have pelvic floor muscles and here are some ways you can get your muscles working for you to improve your pelvic floor health.

Maintaining your pelvic floor health:
  • Strengthen your pelvic floor muscles: The pelvic floor muscles can be weakened or switched off by a variety of factors, including age, obesity, and certain medical conditions. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can help improve bladder and bowel control, and may also improve sexual function. A program like ours here at Perfect Pelvic Floor goes through the statges of teaching you how to find your pelvic floor using the 3 different actions to engage it. Strengthening your muscles with a daily program and learning control of your muscles through functional exercises. (See our Men’s Program)

  • Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight or obese can put additional pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, leading to problems such as incontinence. Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular physical activity can help reduce the risk of pelvic floor issues.

  • Avoid constipation: Constipation can put unnecessary strain on the pelvic floor muscles. To avoid constipation, it is important to eat a high-fibre diet, stay hydrated, and participate in regular exercise.

  • Improving sexual function: The pelvic floor muscles play a role in sexual function and performance, and strengthening these muscles can lead to improved sexual function in men. Who wouldn’t want that!

  • Avoid heavy lifting without proper technique and core activation. Lifting heavy objects can put extra strain on the pelvic floor muscles, leading to weakness and other problems. Ensure you know how to activate your pelvis floor muscles – get started on our (Willie Wiggles)

Detailed view of the male pelvic cavity from a side view.
Prostate and the Pelvic Floor Muscles

The prostate is a small gland sitting below the bladder in men and is roughly the size of a walnut. It is not uncommon for it to grow in size as men age. It surrounds the urethra which is the tract that transports your urine and semen out of your body. 

Sometimes with an enlarged prostate, or having prostate cancer treatment you can have difficulty urinating.

The prostate also helps to regulate your urine flow. As men haven’t really had to rely on their pelvic floor muscles as their first line of defence against urinary incontinence, it’s not uncommon for them to have difficulties activating the pelvic floor muscles. Typically I see men bracing all of their abdominal muscles and buttock muscles instead of their pelvic floor muscles initially. 

Men are also less likely to see a health professional about urinary incontinence hence I wanted to give them an opportunity to improve their symptoms from home with our Men’s Pelvic Floor Exercise Program app.

Here are some of our starter exercises you will find in our Men’s Pelvic Floor Exercise Program.

Pelvic Floor Exercises:
  • Willie Wiggles – The easies & simplest way to start activating your pelvic floor muscles by thinking about your “Nuts to Your Guts”. Get our Free Guide below.

  • Stopping your fart – This is a very basic version to get your muscles activated. The pelvic floor muscles are more intricate than this which is explained in our men’s exercise guide which you receive with out program. However this is a good one to start with for men who can imagine what this would feel like. 

  • Breathing – start activation your diaphragm. Most men tend to clench their whole abdomen when they are trying to do different exercises. This exercise gets you to breathe deeply into the base of your lungs slowly and exhale slowly. Your diaphragm has a big relationship with your pelvic floor muscles in maintaining pressure in your abdominal cavity. 

Education Exercise

Can Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Be Cured?

Can Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Be Cured?

It’s probably a question you have asked yourself when you’re in the depths of despair – embracing yet another leak with a cough or a sneeze. Afraid to laugh too hard because you know you’ll wet yourself or you’ve given up on running or jumping for life. The trampoline is your sworn enemy.

You’ve probably heard of this term pelvic floor dysfunction and asking what exactly does that mean? Essentially, it’s when your pelvic floor muscles aren’t working properly. They are’t doing the job they are supposed to do. It’s very common and can affect people of all ages and gender but it doesn’t have to be the “normal”.

Here are some factors that put you at a higher risk of developing pelvic floor dysfunction:
  • Being overweight puts additional pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, and sometimes they don’t have the strength or control to counter the effects.

  • Pregnancy and childbirth can weaken and stretch the pelvic floor muscles as well as the surrounding ligaments and soft tissue, leading to pelvic floor dysfunction.

  • Aging – As we age, like any muscles the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding soft tissue can weaken and have less elasticity, increasing the risk of dysfunction.

  • Constipation – Straining for a bowel movement especially chronically can weaken the pelvic floor muscles and lead to dysfunction. 

  • Chronic coughing can put pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, leading to dysfunction.

  • Engaging in high-impact activities, such as running or jumping, can put additional strain on the pelvic floor muscles and increase the risk of dysfunction un less you know how to adequately activate your muscles prior to jumping or sneezing. We do have a solution for peezing to get you back to running and jumping as you wish. Get our “Ditch your Peezing Guide“. 

  • Previous pelvic surgery: Any surgery that involves the pelvic area can cause trauma, scar tissue and can weaken the pelvic floor muscles increasing the risk of pelvic floor dysfunction.

  • Genetic predisposition: Some people may have a genetic predisposition to weak pelvic floor muscles, which increases the risk of dysfunction. Which is why we love a good high quality liquid marine type 1 and 3 collagen supplement like the “Collagen Elixir” Mel swears by.

One of the biggest risk facts is the increase in intra-abdominal pressure acting downwards inside your body that the pelvic floor muscles have to counter with their strength and co-ordination. This increased pressure over time is what can cause disruptions in the pelvic floor muscles connection, strength and sometimes in the muscles being able to relax as well. 

mum walking confidently with her family
So can it be cured?

Essentially Yes. Minimising your risk factors will absolutely help but also learning how to activate your pelvic floor muscles.

Learning to activate them prior to sneezing or coughing and getting them strong enough to work and support your core with exercise, yes even with jumping. 

The research still suggests the first line of treatment to be a pelvic floor exercise program. One like ours here at Perfect Pelvic Floor starts with simple static exercises and diaphragm breathing to help you find your muscles with lots of cues I’m sure you’ll find one that works for you. As everyone is different.

Then progressing to movement based exercises with pelvic floor and core control. And finally through to functional exercises with your pelvic floor and core working with you as you know how to control your muscles. 

Also consider a high quality liquid marine collagen that is based on type 1 and 3 collagen to help with soft tissue and muscle repair. (Read More on Collagen)

There are other options including pessary if you’re feeling the dysfunction has structural component of a prolapse which your nurse or women’s health physiotherapist can fit you for the correct pessary. (Read More on Pessaries)  

Get started with our easiest and first exercise the “Vagina Winks“. 

Education Labour Pregnancy

Expert Midwife Tips to Prepare for Labour

Prepare For Labour with Expert Midwife Tips

Have you ever wondered how a midwife prepares herself for labour? Read on as I chat to Jedda Maggs who has been a midwife for 12 years and is a mum of 3 boys. She gives the expert midwife tips to prepare for labour. Pregnant women listen up and hear her answers to help you have a smooth and calm labour experience.

Mel: What do you think is the hardest thing for mum’s when having a baby?

Jedda: One thing mum’s really struggle with, probably the most is even in hospital is they get 3 different pieces of advice from 3 different midwives. It can be really frustrating for mum’s to know what to do. In general I say take everyone’s piece of advice and put it in your kitty bag, don’t throw any of them out but if you find one that works for your baby great. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t mean it’s not right, its just not right for your baby.
M: What are your thoughts on birth plans?

J: It’s a great idea to know what you would like to happen – but really importantly, it needs to be flexible. You shouldn’t wrap up your success in your ability to meet your birth plan. Things can still happen that are outside of your control. Nothing works out perfectly.

M: Did you have a birth plan?
J: Nothing written down as such, I had in the back of my head that I was married to a giant who was a 9 pound baby. I thought I would end up with a caesarean but that didn’t happen and I was really proud of how things went. 
M: What are your 3 biggest tips to get through labour?

  1. Best tip is something I learnt from doing calm birth. There is a definite link with a firm tight jaw  and a firm tight cervix that doesn’t want to open. If you keep your jaw really open and relaxed despite the pain you are more likely to allow your cervix to open during labour. In essence don’t tense up your face muscles to deal with the pain. The best thing to do is relax the face muscles as much as you can. You can even try a guttural type sound on your exhale to keep your jaw relaxed. 

  2. Secondly Smile. Yes when you smile you release positive endorphins. It helps us think we can deal with the pain rather than the pain managing us. Which means you’re more likely to have a better experience with pain and therefore better able to approach labour with a move philosophy. The more active during labour you are the more likely you are to avoid the cascade of intervention. Still, at times an epidural or other interventions etc are necessary. Your body may be working against you in that time which is out of your control. Again this is where your birth plan needs to be flexible. 

  3. One breath at a time. A lot of women are just focussing on or thinking about the end or the next contraction, instead just be in the moment and breathe. One breath/contraction is what calm birth aims for, slowing your breath down during your inhale and your exhale. You don’t need to worry about the next contraction until it comes, staying in the moment rather than losing the control. Stay in the here and now and everything else takes care of itself. 

M: Any last words of advice?
J: Do what your body is designed to do, get up off the bed and  move around. Just because there is a bed in the room doesn’t mean you have to lie on it.
Things don’t always go to plan during labour, just being ok with whatever happens and trust that this is what needed to happed for the safety of me and my baby. Doesn’t mean failure of any sort if you have intervention. Trust medical opinion whether that be midwives, doctors etc.

Education Exercise

Vagina Winks

The Vagina Winks - a girl's new diamond.

You’re probably still questioning what in the world is a vagina wink? You’re not alone there.

Some might say Vagina Winks are just Kegels. I say they are way more than that. They are the new girl’s best friend. 

Let me explain

When we’re trying to teach someone how to connect to their pelvic floor muscles and get them activated we use different cues to help you visualise what’s going on. This is turn help you connect to your own pelvic floor muscles.

Vagina Winks as a term started from one of these sessions with a client of mine. She was struggling and I was going through the list of cues that I use at times and just said you know “like your vagina is winking”. And she got it. And now I use it all the time. I love it even more because it makes people smile or laugh and we could all do with a little more of that in life.

Do you want to stop your leakage, learn how to activate and control your pelvic floor muscles and have the best sex ever? Then you’re in the right place…

Vagina winks are also the start of our functional pelvic floor programs. It is the easiest exercise to start with to get your brain connecting to your muscles. Fast pulses of your muscles to get them activated to your 100% and to relax them 100%. Don’t worry so much about the breathing with vagina winks – because they are fast just let your breath rise and fall naturally.

Grab the Vagina Wink Guide to get a pdf and a video link to do them with me.


Because we’re using the word vagina it helps women from just clenching their bottom to get their pelvic floor muscles working. That’s not an effective pelvic floor strategy. Vagina winks allow you to visualise what’s going on which impacts your brain and muscle connection the most. 

So how do they help with sex? well you might also feel a little aroused after doing these exercises. That’s very normal and using the pelvic floor muscles like this in a fast acting pulse you are sending blood flow to your clitoris to enhance your arousal levels. This is another reason why I like giving this exercise to women who are having pain or trouble with sex. To enhance arousal but also to teach them how to relax their muscles in preparation for sex.

So why did I call them Vagina Winks? 

Well I like a little fun in life and I wanted something that you would remember. Everyone is over doing their “kegels” at traffic lights and not getting results. Vagina winks are effective, easy and quick especially when you do them as part of our functional pelvic floor programs. 

If you’re struggling to get the connection between your brain and your muscles here are some other cues I use to help women:

  • Pursing your lips

  • Curling your toes

  • Imagining a straw is inserted in your vagina and you’re holding onto it and pulling it inside

  • Holding onto a tampon

  • Feeling like you’re stopping yourself urinating. (Don’t practice with actually stopping your urine just the feeling of it)

  • Putting a hand on top of your vagina to get the feel of your front passage

  • Stopping a fart from coming out – use this one after you have got the initial front passage feeling first etc.

Vagina winks are super easy, simple, and they take no time at all.

If you’ve been struggling to activate your pelvic floor muscles or just want an easy fun exercise grab our Vagina Winks Guide with the link for the exercise video. 

P.s There’s also something for the men in your life but obviously it won’t be their vagina that’s winking…  Read More


The Pain & Confusion of Endometriosis

The Pain & Confusion of Endometriosis

March is National Endometriosis Awareness month and after personally experiencing this condition I can tell you the pain and confusion with endometriosis is like no other. Pain and swelling gripping your pelvic region and the confusion of having no idea how to help yourself. It really leaves you wondering is it ever going to get better? and the worst part is wondering if this is going to affect my chances of having a baby…

Endometriosis affects over 700,000 women, roughly 1 in 10 women in Australia. Such a huge number yet still the treatment options just don’t seem to be hitting the mark. It’s a condition where the tissue similar to that which lines the uterus grows outside of the uterus. So essentially during a period when that lining is shed this outside tissue also bleeds causing pain, swelling, scars and cysts etc.  It can cause the organs to fuse together and become stuck and the most worrying is the potential damage to the Fallopian tubes and the difficulties falling pregnant that some women can encounter. 

From my personal journey the pain at random times of the month leaving you feeling like there is a sharp knife digging into your insides where you are just desperate for someone to help you. The swelling that leave’s me feeling bloated, like I can’t exercise because my stomach is so swollen my core is inhibited and the pressure on my bladder (that’s where my endometriosis was) is intense. Then there is the confusion of knowing that although you tried surgery, no caffeine, reducing your sugar intake, exercising, herbs, acupuncture and general medications nothing seems to be helping. Worst of all no one seems to know how to help. It’s kinda like a rollercoaster ride you know you’ll be on for quite a number of years. When I was diagnosed I had a moderate level of endometriosis, I often think “I wonder what it would be like now if it hadn’t been picked up when it was”. I’m so grateful I found out when I did.

This March I wanted to bring to light this topic so others can have the necessary conversations with their doctors to find some answers. ​Unfortunately the diagnosis is through a laparoscopy which is invasive and the recovery is tough but definitely worth it. Knowledge is always power. It allows the conversations to continue to find treatment options for you.

I also came across this amazing article outlining some myths around endometriosis from Grace Private, it’s well worth the read: 7 endometriosis myths exposed. 

Education Exercise Post Natal

Core Exercises to Reduce Your Abdominal Separation

Core Exercises to Reduce your Abdominal Separation

Wow what happened to my stomach? It looks like it’s split in half and not working. I feel bulging coming out when I stand up, it’s flabby and it feels so weak! I feel horrible.
Does this sound like you?
It’s very common after pregnancy, It’s called Diastasis Rectus Abdominis (DRA) or abdominal separation.  Where the tummy muscles have stretched and the fascia has separated leaving you feeling weak and flabby.
Here’s what you can you do about it!Abdominal Separation

DRA: This is where the fascia (I like to think of it as a piece of glad wrap over the top and in between your muscles holding them all together) and connective tissue between your Rectus Abdominis (6 pack muscles) has stretched and weakened leaving a gap between your muscles. 
Add in the skin over the top stretching and it looks and feels like a mess. Don’t worry! It doesn’t have to be this way. 

So why is this a problem?


  • It can lead to weakness in the stomach muscles leaving you at risk of back pain and postural related pain.

  • It disrupts the lumbo-sacral support and muscle system. (lower back and pelvis area)

  • DRA and Pelvic Floor dysfunction often go together.

  • A thinner lining of the abdominal wall creates less support for your inner organs and can leave you at risk of a hernia of your bowels.

Alarming Facts:

  • 100% of women have some level of separation of the abdominal muscles in the third trimester. (Hilliard and Brown 1996, Diane Lee 2013)

  • For a lot of women with DRA their gap closes significantly between day 1 and 8 weeks post baby. However if their gap remains widened at 8 weeks and if left untreated the gap at 8 weeks remains the same at 1 year post baby. (Cauldron et al 2008, Liaw et al 2011)

  • 66% of women with DRA were also found to have a pelvic floor dysfucntion Eg Incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse. (Spitznagle et al 2007)

What NOT to do!

  • Typical Sit ups or crunches! This is a no no as it increases your intra-abdominal pressure and your stomach muscles and pelvic floor aren’t ready to cope with that. It can make your bulging worse and harder to recover from. Modified head lifts can be ok under the guidance of your Physiotherapist.

  • Planks without sufficient Pelvic Floor and TA strengthening first.

  • Bracing your stomach muscles – this can increase the bulge from within.

  • High impact sport without inner core and pelvic floor strengthening first.

What can you do about it?

  • Core exercises to reduce your abdominal separation, especially an exercise called a head lift which aims to ensure your pelvic floor muscles are switched on, your TA (deeper core muscle) is working and a slight head tilt to allow the outer abdominals to contract. Adding extra hand pressure to your muscles to push them closer together and down towards your spine. There is no bulging or doming from the tummy outwards! This is a key exercise of our New Mum Program which is so important given your best chance of recovering these muscles is within the first 8 weeks after birth.

  • Be careful with getting up from the chair or bed, use compression with a towel or your hands around your tummy for the first few weeks.

  • Be careful lifting your baby – try to use your pelvic floor muscles and TA as best you can.

  • Wear recovery support shorts – we love the SRC Recovery Shorts to give you that extra compression and support in your early phase. 

  • Ease back into exercise slowly with gentle walking and a pelvic floor strength and recovery program first.

So even though you might feel like there is nothing you can do, there certainly is. Start with pelvic floor exercises to reduce your abdominal separation, then build up your core muscles through our New Mum Program. Remember the best chance at closing your abdominal separation is within the 1st 8 weeks of having your baby using core exercises. 

Want to find out how strong your pelvic floor is?
Take your quiz

Education Post Natal Pregnancy

Avoid These Common Pelvic Floor Mistakes

I’m sure we’ve all done them at some point to try and get these elusive pelvic floor muscles working but stop right now! These mistakes are preventing you from feeling strong and getting back to the exercise you want to. They are preventing you from stopping your leakage and they are preventing you from having amazing sexual pleasure. Read on to see what you can do instead. 

When you are doing your pelvic floor exercises try to avoid theses common mistakes below.

3 most common mistakes:

  1. Tilting your pelvis – now we know this can be great for pelvis mobility and good for sexual pleasure but it does not help with your pelvic floor muscle activation while exercising! You want to find a neutral position with your spine and pelvis. So when you’re lying on your back, make sure your tailbone firmly rests on the ground without moving while you do your exercises. 
  2. Squeezing your butt cheeks together like there is a $100 note you don’t want to let go of – This is working your outside buttock muscle (your gluteus maximus) not your pelvic floor muscles. Yes your pelvic floor muscles go from your pubic bone at the front all the way to your tailbone at the back including around your anus but squeezing your butt cheeks is not going to get them working. Instead relax your buttock and focus around your vaginal area to connect with your pelvic floor when exercising. 
  3. Clenching your outer abdominals – this is probably the most common mistake I see in the clinic.  We’re so used to our rectus abdominis (6 pack abs) working that we forget there are deeper layers of muscles underneath. It’s also very hard to take a deep relaxed breath with these muscles working (hint hint – if you’re struggling to breathe at the same time as pelvic floor exercises this is probably why) Put one hand under your rib cage and the other deep down towards your pubic bone. The hand under your rib cage shouldn’t feel anything working underneath just relaxed and resting while you’re exercising. You can also think about your body being in half – the top is breathing and the bottom is gently lifting and squeezing through your pelvic floor muscles. Remember the feeling is all internal.

Hot Tip: your pelvic floor muscle contraction won’t feel like a big bicep contraction, they are small muscles and they are internal. I think one mistake people make is expecting if to feel like this huge contraction. It won’t, it will be subtle. 

Long term we do want our pelvic floor muscles to work with our deeper abdominal muscles with more functional exercises but that is down the track once you have mastered the pelvic floor muscles alone. Our Pelvic Floor strength systems for pregnancy and our new mum recovery program work with you every step of the way. Starting at the basics with video instruction and through to more functional exercises including your deep core and pelvis stability. 

​Unsure how strong you are?
Or if you can activate your muscles?

Take our Pelvic Floor Quiz for pregnancy or new mum’s to find out how strong you are!

Education Exercise Labour Post Natal Pregnancy

Pelvic Floor Muscles – All You Need to Know

Everything you need to know about your Pelvic Floor Muscles

There is a lot of talk about pelvic floor muscles, pelvic floor exercises and kegels lately. Do you think your pelvic floor muscles are as important as everyone says they are?

Do you know what they do? Well that’s what I’m here to tell you about. To let you know everything about your pelvic floor muscles. 

These muscles have so many roles and really important ones too:
  • Help keep your organs inside and lifted

  • Prevent and stop urinary incontinence

  • Supporting you during your pregnancy 

  • They help guide your baby into your birth canal 

  • Holding wee and poo in continuously without you even thinking about it

  • Helping you feel pleasure by arousing your clitoris and increasing the sensation of your orgasms

I’d say they are pretty important muscles! And ones I would want to know about! Wouldn’t you agree?

Especially considering most of this happens without you thinking about it. Pretty intuitive body we have!

Where are these muscles? 

They are shaped like a hammock or a half moon running between your pubic bone at the front and your tailbone at the back around in a loop so when the muscles contract they shorten and close off the area. Obviously there is a lot of structures here from ligaments, bones, blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue but the muscles of the deep pelvic floor are:

  1. Pubococcygeus (PC muscle)

  2. Iliococcygeus

  3. Coccygeus

  4. Puborectalis – the muscles runs between the outer layer and the deep layer so it’s more like a middle layer but acts like a constrictor as an outer muscle does. 

These make up your Pelvic Floor Muscles (Levator Ani)

pelvic floor muscles
Pelvic floor muscles diagram
So where do things go wrong? Why do the muscles stop working well?

Pregnancy – just the physical load on your body and the anatomy of your pelvic floor is enough to cause issues. Worse if you’re not strong to start with.  
Labour – You are at risk of major trauma like perineal tears with a forceps & vacuum delivery. Where instrument use is necessary, episiotomy will significantly reduce your risk of OASI (Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury – 3rd/4th degree perineal tears) especially if it’s your 1st child and you are needing forceps. OASI is a significant risk factor for anal incontinence. Also just add in the generic trauma associated with labour to this area, the muscles take time to recover and get functioning again.
Genetically – your pelvic floor consists of muscles and connective tissue based on type I & III collagen fibres. These fibres can have a genetic weakness factor, so some people are more prone to weakness in their pelvic floor muscles without any other contributing factors. (Hence why I love collagen support – read more on collagen )
Weight training – heavy prolonged weight training without the appropriate engaging of your pelvic floor or correct technique for your pelvis puts you at a higher risk of having pelvic floor dysfunction.
Coughing – prolonged coughing can increase the pressure load acting downwards on the pelvic floor muscles, if the muscles can’t sustain it with strength or active engagement when coughing pelvic floor dysfunction can occur. 
Bowel Straining – As above with the pressure pushing down on the muscles, they sometimes weaken and reduce their resting tone with the pressure against them periodically. Especially if this has been chronic constipation or straining.
Alcohol, caffeine & dehydration – they can make your urine more acidic which can make you need to urinate more frequently which can change the way the bladder works and how it interacts with the pelvic floor. (read more on the bladder)
Pain & Swelling – pelvic pain, back pain, endometriosis etc can make these muscles switch off or slow down like they aren’t quite getting the message from the brain. Not to mention to trauma of birth within the pelvis. 

So how does it feel when your pelvic floor muscles aren’t working properly?
  • Leakage

  • More frequent urination

  • Urinating through the night

  • Feeling of not being able to hold on to your urine (don’t want to jump or run)

  • Back pain

  • Lack of sensation during sex

  • Pain with sex

  • Constipation

  • Feeling like everything is falling out down below (heavy feeling)

  • Feeling your stomach bulging out when you get up of the chair

  • Lack of pelvis stability (wobbly or not quite working right when you exercise)

Tips to keep your pelvic floor and vagina working well and feeling amazing!

In General:

  • No soaps/moisturisers with chemicals – can irritate and cause infections.

  • Pelvic Floor Exercises regularly – start with one of our pelvic floor and core programs see results within 2 weeks. (See programs

  • No straining to urinate or do number 2’s – This puts extra pressure on your pelvic floor muscles by increasing your intra-abdominal pressure downwards. This can lead to a pelvic floor dysfunction or to a risk of prolapse. Instead lean forwards with your trunk, lift up your heels so you’re on your toes and relax your pelvic floor muscles. 

  • Pelvic floor muscles activated when doing weights or lifting anything including your baby. This is where you reach a functional level of pelvic floor control. It will make you feel stronger and also protect you from a possible pelvic floor dysfunction or risk of prolapse. 

  • Good quality collagen for type 1 and II fibres to help improve the quality of your muscles and ligaments surrounding your pelvic floor. 

Pregnancy & Birth

  • Ice Pads after birth or Padsicles – to help with the healing process and reduce any swelling. Spray your pad with water and witch hazel (distilled – avoid any that have alcohol in them) if you like, fold the pad back up and freeze in a freezer bag. Let them thaw for a few minutes prior to use, then use up to 10 minutes every hour as needed in the first 24-36 hours after birth. 

  • Warm compress during pregnancy – helps your vulva tissue relax prior to labour. 

  • Perineal massage during the late stage of pregnancy (from 34 weeks) to reduce your risk and severity of 3rd & 4th degree perineal tears, reduce your risk of episiotomies & decrease your perineal pain after labour. Follow the instructions and use a natural based lubricant. (Read more)


  • Well lubricated before sex – as the pelvic floor muscles help with stimulation to the clitoris and can increase arousal. Try doing some pelvic floor exercises before having sex in particular the Vagina Wink. Other options include using a natural based lubricant. We love Olive & Bee Intimate Cream

  • Urinate after sex – can help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections which due to the increase in frequency of urination and the acidity can affect your pelvic floor muscle function. 

Do we always need to do pelvic floor exercises?

The simple answer is yes. But think of it like this, do you always need to eat well to feel good? Or put petrol in your car for it to work? Do you want your muscles to be functioning well when you’re into your 80’s and live a great life being able to exercise and move about like you want to?

It’s also best to have a pelvic floor exercise program that targets your muscles specifically so you can feel what it feels like to you when your pelvic floor muscles are working well. Everyone is different and everyone will feel it differently. Then you can add more functional movements so your body learns to use these muscles again without you thinking about it. Like our programs at PPF!

No matter where you are on your journey we have a program for you.

So what can you do?
Well for starters take this Pelvic Floor Quiz so you have an idea of how strong you are!

Then try our 3 day trial on the PPF App and see for yourself. You’ll feel your muscles in 3 days and really see a difference in 2 weeks.  


Okeahialam NA, Wong KW, Jha S, Sultan AH, Thakar R. Mediolateral/lateral episiotomy with operative vaginal delivery and the risk reduction of obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASI): A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int Urogynecol J. 2022 Jun;33(6):1393-1405. doi: 10.1007/s00192-022-05145-1.

Dieb AS, Shoab AY, Nabil H, Gabr A, Abdallah AA, Shaban MM, Attia AH. Perineal massage and training reduce perineal trauma in pregnant women older than 35 years: a randomized controlled trial. Int Urogynecol J. 2020 Mar;31(3):613-619. doi: 10.1007/s00192-019-03937-6.

Abdelhakim AM, Eldesouky E, Elmagd IA, Mohammed A, Farag EA, Mohammed AE, Hamam KM, Hussein AS, Ali AS, Keshta NHA, Hamza M, Samy A, Abdel-Latif AA. Antenatal perineal massage benefits in reducing perineal trauma and postpartum morbidities: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Int Urogynecol J. 2020 Sep;31(9):1735-1745. doi: 10.1007/s00192-020-04302-8.


Education Nutrition Products

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction – Can Collagen Help?

Can Collagen help with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Did you know that Collagen is kind of like the glue that holds the cells in the body together? 

Super important for helping the connective tissue within your pelvic floor anatomy be healthy and working well to treat and prevent pelvic floor dysfunction.

So what is Collagen? 

Collagen is one of the most important components of how the connective tissue are linked together to maintain the support and function of the pelvic floor. It is the predominant, load-bearing protein of the pelvic floor connective tissues. Very important for keeping your pelvic floor anatomy healthy and working well.. Which we’d all love!

Now collagen is not new it’s just that some companies have started to produce collagen in an environmentally sustainable and effective way. We naturally produce collagen within our body daily but as we age it declines. You might be shocked to know this level declines after 25 years of age. 

Best Types of Collagen to help with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: 

Collagen changes, including the structure of the collagen, the biomechanical changes and abnormalities of collagen breakdown, can destroy the supportive function of the pelvic floor and are closely related to the development of pelvic organ prolapse and dysfunction. Research on how these changes occur in the collagen is very limited, and so much more research is needed. 

However, we do know that taking a high quality and effective collagen supplement can help your tissue be healthier and function better including your muscles and connective tissue Eg your Pelvic Floor.

Collagen I and III are 2 of the major subtypes of the pelvic tissue.

 Now this is very important to know as different collagen types from powders to liquid contain different collagen types. Know your collagen first before you buy so you don’t waste your time and money.

What you need to know about collagen:

Type of collagen: Personally I’ve been taking an amazing liquid marine collagen from Isagenix which has just been listed in the top 6 inner beauty products with Marie Claire – it is predominantly type I collagen. Externally you will see the results with your skin however as you know Type I is one of the predominant types of collagen in pelvic tissue. 

  1. Type I – Skin, bone, tendon, connective tissue, hair, nails. 

  2. Type II – Cartilage – cushioning for joints.

  3. Type III – especially important in providing elasticity, deeper layer of skin, blood vessels and deeper structures.

The correct dose Studies show the amount to take to be effective in your body is 5g/day, there is no point in taking one that doesn’t have this amount as it won’t be as effective!

Where is it sourced – Know where the collagen comes from – Is it bovine (beef) porcine (Pork), chicken or marine?Predominantly bovine and porcine collagens are type III with some of the type I and II which is more beneficial for joints and cartilage and you will probably find these as powder and bone broths. 

Chicken collagen is predominantly type II, which is beneficial for joints and cartilage.

Liquid marine which is the superior form of collagen is a rich source of Type I. Superior because it provides the same type of collagen peptides that our bodies are, making it easier to be utilised and absorbed by the body. It is absorbed 1.5 times more effectively than other sources.


Remember collagen is just one part of the health puzzle, appropriate pelvic floor exercises and protein in general are also needed to feel amazing results!

Oh the one I love is also safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding and best consumed fasted in the morning.
* Added bonus – You might also notice a few of the lines around your eyes fading too..

Want to know more on collagen?

Want to start noticing the benefits of Collagen? 

If you’re in Australia, New Zealand or the USA and love the idea of trialling the Liquid marine collagen like me with a 30 day money back guarantee and delivered to your door? 

Beauty Booster Bundle – 4 X 10 pack of the Collagen Elixir (Type I). The fast start is with 2 collagen bottles/day for the first 10 days then 1/day after that.  

Beauty Bundle – 3 X 10 packs of the Collagen Elixir (Type I) and 1 pack of the Bone Broth (bovine – Type III)

Want to know more about the Isagenix Liquid marine Collagen that I use?

As Featured In

Collagen marie claire
Collagen Elle Magazine
Collagen Womans Weekly

Runqi Gong, Zhijun Xia, (2019) Collagen changes in pelvic support tissues in women with pelvic organ prolapse. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology. Mar;234:185-189
Dani Catania – Dietician (B Nutr Diet) 

Education Pregnancy

To Freeze or Not to Freeze – Part 3

Collection Day!

“You want me to do what to myself??” was the thought running through my head…..

Inject 3 needles a day into my stomach that’s still sore and swollen from my laparoscopic surgery. Oh WOW! Once I calmed down from the initial shock, I found it really hard to make a choice to physically do that to myself without knowing how it might affect my mind and body. Would I feel out of control, emotional? Would I be able to hold it together enough to work? How would my body react? I had to really take a few days to sit in the uncertainty to be ok with my choice, knowing the end result would be worth it. Having the initial conversation with the nurse at the fertility centre really helped with this decision. Lots of information but they answered all of my questions and there was no pressure to make a quick decision. I started warning everyone at work joking that I would put a sign up on my door saying “Enter at your own risk” I didn’t think that would be a great advertisement for my physio clients. I had to take quite a few breaths before inserting the needle the first time just to psych myself up enough to stab my stomach

. I kept telling myself “ I can do this, I can do this” Flinching at the initial pain as the hormone went into my body, followed by an after pain lasting a few minutes. As the injections need to be done at the same time every day I made the decision to do it early and allow myself to be slow and take my time with my morning routine rather than rushing around like my usual self. 

Rewind to the day before and I had my initial ultra sound and blood tests to determine day one of my cycle which allowed the timing for the rest of the cycle to be planned. The first 2 injections are to stimulate the follicles and the eggs for the 14 day cycle starting on day three of my cycle. Apart from some extra bruises adding to the war wounds on my stomach I felt great for the first few days. I actually felt clarity and focus which I wasn’t expecting. Then day 7 hit with a bang!

 A new hormone introduced as the antagonist (which in itself just sounds dooming) to stop me from prematurely ovulating (to stop the egg from being released before the collection date). A red rash around the injection site, pain, dizziness and fatigue like I have never felt before. Thankfully those symptoms settled within an hour however the tears followed. It’s the weirdest feeling, crying for no reason and not being able to stop it, I was sitting at my computer checking in with myself “I’m not sad, I’m not angry but there are tears just flowing down my face”. This is when I had a few SOS calls to some friends to reassure me I was going to be ok. Feeling hot, clammy, a little dizzy and very nauseous while trying to get ready for work was a bit of a nightmare. Have you ever tried putting on makeup while you’re crying? It doesn’t really work. I gave up to avoid having racoon eyes that day. Just reminding myself it’s short term. 

Also I wouldn’t recommend going on a first date the day you have to start hormone injections, feel bloated, swollen and trying not to be hormonal and blubber in front of the unsuspecting guy who has no idea what’s going on. Wasn’t a great look! Thankfully he was understanding and very sweet. 

What followed was blood tests and ultrasounds to count the number of follicles which allowed the egg collection date to be determined and to make sure everything is on track. I had 14 follicles on the last ultrasound which I was very happy with. The IVF clinic were great, my nurse was available to chat whenever I needed it and I knew what I had to do at each step so it wasn’t as overwhelming as I thought it was going to be.

As the days went by I progressively got more and more swollen, bloated and nauseas. My brain felt like mush the whole time! I have never been so happy to inject the last hormone which was number 5 of that day

; the trigger injection which is to help release the egg from the wall of the follicle so they can be retracted but not before the eggs are released out of the ovary. This is very precise and 36 hours before egg collection. The following morning I had to do an ovulation test which just happened to find me at a doctors appointment at the time I was supposed to take it so chilling out in the public bathroom while I waited for the result felt absolutely ridiculous. 

The morning of the egg collection was by far the worst. I felt like my insides were going to burst. Literally! Which happened to fall on day 14 of my cycle and 2 weeks before my 38th birthday! The Irony. There was a few moments just before I went in that I wondered to myself “What if there aren’t any eggs? what if this has all been for nothing”.  Because at the end of the day it’s up to your body and how it responds to determine the result. I took a big breath and knew that I had done everything they asked of me and the rest was out of my control. 

I woke up from surgery with everything attached to me to monitor my body (again i’m not great with anaesthetic, I tend to take my time to wake up, this was also my 3rd anaesthetic in 3 months) I wondered how many eggs they had taken. It was my first thought. Did it work? Then I heard the nurse telling the woman across from me that she had a number on her hand to tell her how many eggs they had collected. 

​Immediately I was excited and wondered if I had the same. I looked at my hand and there it was, the number 13 written in black marker on my palm. I actually cried happy tears. I was beyond relived that it worked, that I woke up and it was over. 

That afternoon I received a call from the IVF scientist telling me that 12 of my eggs were mature enough to freeze and were stored in liquid nitrogen. Again I felt relief and so much gratitude to my body for what it had gone through. I was finished and could start the recovery process.

Which in itself is a different story. Everyone recovers differently. It took longer than I expected, the first 3 days are the worst nausea was my biggest problem followed by swelling and difficulty getting my bladder and bowel to work properly again. The follicles need to refill after the egg collection and this process can go up and down as I discovered on a midnight trip to the emergency department with unbearable pain that medication was not changing. However it does settle and normal life does resume. What I asked of my body was huge!! All I could give to it was kindness and rest when it needed it.

There are risks, there is pain, there is character growth when you inflict pain on yourself but overall there is a much bigger picture that is worth going through all of that for. 
Time and the chance to be a mum one day.

​Mel xx

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